The Freycinet National Park was amazing! I was hinking there for 2 1/2 days and camping near the beaches! The only bad thing was that my backpack was definetly much to heavy. About 15kg I think. So sometimes it was more stress than fun. but at the last day when I woke up and was starting to walk the last track I was alone at the beach and I saw about 7 dolphins. it was awesome! I looked at them about 1/2 hour. Amazing! And there was a wallaby mot near my tent but so close that I could touch it, but I didn't because you never know if they are ill or something like that. But it wasn't shy at all. So cute! After that I wnt to Bicheno for a few days and went to so some pinguine spotting. And I saw one and heard them scream in the dune. It was fantastic and they are so sweet, they are the smallest pinguins of the wold, I read in my trevellguide. Bicheno was so beautiful. So many nice places where you could walk for hours. I also went to the Douglas Apsley National Park for a daywalk. It was so nice and quite and I was the only one who was walking there. maybe because of the river you had to cross. I had to take of my shoes and walk barefoot through. I think that's why I didn't saw someone. Today I came back to Hobart and recieved a massage from madndi, a girl from the staats I met at Peters House( Wwoofing farm). And she told me that he ask her to go because I was honest and told hin at the guestbook what I'm thinking about him. I had never wrote the truth but the days before he was talking all the time that it is no problem when someone tells him the truth. And so I did. But I was very polite, I only wrote that there are always to sides of the story and that I hope that he will learn to accept other people way of live. And than I also said many nice things. Oh, and I wrote it in german but there was a guy from austria who translated the things I wrote. Sp and when Mandi came back alle the way from Derby, she helped my carrying my luggage, he ask her to go because he was thinking that she thought the same way I did. This was true but what I wrote has nothing to do with her! Asshole. Whatever, tomorrow I will visit the female factory, about how woman were working in Hobart. Seems interesting.
Kommentar auf deutsch> erst mal zu den empoerten e-mails. nein, helge schreibt nicht die bescheuerten kommentare sondern meine familie. womit eigentlich alles gesagt sein sollte. nur noch ein hinweis, um familienangelegenheiten auszutragen bitte ich doch ausdruecklich dies per e-mail zu tun. dies ist naemlich ein blog in dem ich meine erlebnisse dokumentieren moechte und nicht irgendwelche persoenlichen angelegenheiten besprechen moechte. vielen dank. korrekturen, hinsichtlich meiner englischkenntnisse sind somit sher willkommen!
Pictures> 1. wallabie in front of my tent. 2. dolphines at wineglass bay 3. pinguines in bicheno 4. -5. Bicheno